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We Handle All types of eBay account suspensions

Our core sector of expertise is dealing with Seller Suspended Accounts and reinstating them in the shortest possible time.


We use contacts within eBay's in Seller Executive Departments to get you back selling on eBay, in as little as 24 hours, although our average time to get reinstated is 3 days.

Suspension Types We Have Successfully Appealed

eBay MC011

eBay MC113

eBay MC999

eBay Indefinite Suspension

First Time Suspension

eBay VERO Suspension

Just To Name A Few

We Are The Pros!

100% Guaranteed

This service can also address VERO issues:

1) Speak with the rights owner and make an agreement with them.
2) Destroy any data, images, etc. that were in violation of the rights holder’s intellectual property.
3) Edit or delete your listings to conform to the rights-holder’s demands.
4) Remove violating listings from your management software, so they can’t be posted back to eBay in the future.
Send eBay a copy of the agreement and show them that the rights holder approved your changes.

Standard Appeal

Our Standard Appeal follows our effective Three Step Appeal Process. It is designed to get an eBay reactivation the first time — but we don’t give up if you don’t get it back the first try.


Appeal letter delivery: 7 - 10 Business Days

Expedited Appeal

Our Rapid Appeal follows the same Three Step Appeal Process as our Standard Appeal – but your eBay appeal letter will be ready much faster. This is a great option for sellers with large sales volumes. 


Appeal letter delivery: One business day

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98% Success Rate

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Successfully Reinstated over 1000+ Accounts

Money Back Guarantee

Give us a shot! What do you have to lose?

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